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近代物理所6月28日|Studies on pion/muon Capture at MOMENT

發(fā)表日期:2016-06-27來(lái)源:近代物理研究所放大 縮小

  報(bào)告題目:Studies on pion/muon Capture at MOMENT 

  報(bào)告人: Dr. Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (高能物理所) 

  時(shí)間安排: 2016年6月28日15:00         



  報(bào)告摘要: "MOMENT (a muon-decay medium-baseline neutrino beam facility) in China is proposed to provide a low energy neutrino beam with < E > 240 MeV induced by muons in order to explore the leptonic CP-violation. In order to provide those neutrinos a continuous working CW linac will provide protons with 1.5 GeV of kinetic energy and 15 MW of power. A Hg-jet which interacts with the proton beam is placed inside a superconductive solenoid which captures the produced charged pions. In this talk, an optimization study is presented for the capture solenoid system concerning the proton beam, the Hg-jet target and the applied adiabatic magnetic fields parameters in order to maximize the collection of pions and therefore intensify the neutrino beam." 
