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發(fā)表日期:2016-07-08來源:近代物理研究所放大 縮小

  報(bào)告題目:Heavy quarkonium production in relativistic heavy ion collisions 

  報(bào) 告 人:陳保義   助理教授,天津大學(xué) 

  時(shí)     間:2016年7月13日(星期三) 下午15:00  

  地     點(diǎn):近代物理所5號(hào)樓1006會(huì)議室 


  abstractHeavy quarkonium is a tightly bound state with a large binding energy. Its abnormal suppression is considered as a probe for the properties of the deconfined matter. In heavy ion collisions, quarkonium can be produced by the initial hard nucleon-nucleon collisions. The recombination of uncorrelated heavy quarks in the QGP can recombine to form a new quarkonium. In the different colliding systems such as p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions, different production mechanisms dominates the final yields of quarkonium. The internal evolution of heavy quarkonium is also important in a strongly expanding medium.  We find that this internal evolution is especially important for the quarkonium excited states. With the dynamic evolutions of heavy quarkonium and the bulk medium (QGP), we explain the  experimental data of charmonium in different colliding systems.  
