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蘭州化物所7月25日:Supramolecular Gel: From Synthesis to Applications (including HPLC)

發(fā)表日期:2016-07-20來源:蘭州化學(xué)物理研究所放大 縮小

報(bào)告題目:Supramolecular Gel: From Synthesis to Applications (including HPLC)
報(bào) 告 人:熊本大學(xué) 伊原博隆 教授(Prof. Hirotaka Ihara
報(bào)告時(shí)間:2016年7月25日(周一)下午16 : 00

Prof. Hirotaka IHARA received Ph.D from Kyushu University in 1982 under the supervision of Prof. Toyoki KUNITAKE. He became Assistant Professor in Kumamoto University in 1982, and has been working as Professor of Kumamoto University since 1997. He was also Professor of Kyoto University (2001) and Kinki University (2007–2012), and the MEXT/JSPS overseas research fellows in USA (1989, 2005), Russia (1999, 2004) and France (2011). He has also been Fellows of Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) since 2003 and the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) since 2015. He was a recipient of The Award of SPSJ (2014) with the study on supramolecular gel-based polymer systems. He published more than 300 papers. His research areas of specialization: functional polymer, self-assembling chemistry, nano-materials chemistry and their applications including HPLC.
