12C+16O fusion cross sections at stellar energies, 5月12日|Measurement of the 12C+16O fusion cross sections at stellar energies, 中國(guó)科學(xué)院蘭州分院">


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5月12日|Measurement of the 12C+16O fusion cross sections at stellar energies

發(fā)表日期:2017-05-11來(lái)源:近代物理研究所放大 縮小

  報(bào)告題目:Measurement of the 12C+16O fusion cross sections at stellar energies 

  報(bào)告人:方曉 (中山大學(xué)) 

  時(shí)間安排:2017年5月12日 10:00         


  Abstract: Carbon burning and oxygen burning in massive stars are important burning phases in late stellar evolution following helium burning. The critical reactions are the 12C+12C, 12C+16O and 16O+16O fusion processes. Recent studies showed that the 12C+16O rate has an unusually large effect on the calcium and sulfur yields in type Ia SN, e.g., the higher 12C+16O rate suppresses the alpha-particle abundance, which in turn decreases the MCa/MS ratio. The cross sections of the 12C+16O fusion reaction have been measured at stellar energies to investigate the role of this reaction during late stellar evolution burning phases. Protons and gamma rays were simultaneously measured using silicon and Ge detectors. Statistical model calculations were employed to interpret the experimental results to provide total cross sections. This work provided a more reliable extrapolation for the 12C+16O fusion cross sections to low energies, reducing substantially the uncertainty for stellar model simulations. 

